In June, the family went to Galveston one weekend. Madeline had a fabulous time playing in the sand and jumping over waves. 

We also went to my family reunion in the hill country, and got to watch my dear cousin Shaun get married. It was awesome to get to see the whole family. M had a great time swimming and playing with her cousins, Nati and Claire. I didn't take any pictures (i know kind of unbelievable, but true. For really great pictures, Julia's picasa page has tons. )
In July, Madeline went on a solo trip to Austin and Midlothian. She had a wonderful time just hanging out, and on many adventures.
The rest of the summer we have just been enjoying the neighborhood swimming pools, and getting ready for the new baby. Madeline got a slip n slide and a sprinkler toy for her birthday that have both been used extensively. Here are fun pictures from Summer 2009.
More pictures are on our shutterfly account.