Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lazy Weekend

Last weekend we accomplished nothing; it was the most amazing weekend in such a long time. I have a tendancy to plan out every minute of our day, so it was kind of nice to have nothing to accomplish. Plus, it rained almost the whole weekend, so it was the perfect time to just stay in and enjoy each other. Andy went out of town to visit a college friend who finally graduated after 14 years. I was a little nervous going into the weekend. It was my first time with both kids for more than just a couple of hours. Madeline has figured out that she can get away with infantely more when I'm feeding Owen or trying to get him to sleep, and she has started taking advantage of that. It puts me in a very precarious position, do I raise my voice and risk waking Owen up, who fights sleep so hard, or just ignore whatever she is getting in to. I was nervous, but I was also a little excited. I really wanted us to have a fun weekend, and really wanted to prove to myself that I could survive outnumbered.

We were stuck inside almost all day Saturday, but Madeline was amazing. She watched her dance recital video about 5 times, and danced along with every class. Owen and I watched her, and occasionally joined in, but couldn't perform up to Madeline's standards most of the time. I discovered that Owen loves watching the rain. I set his swing up facing the window outside and he loved it. He is going to enjoy summer afternoons on Grandma and Pappy's porch watching the storms roll in with Pappy and Rusty. In the afternoon we worked on a mosaic pixie picture that she had gotten for her birthday. It finally stopped raining in time for us to make a trip quick to the park. Madeline does not stand for her clothes to get wet, so she wore her rain boots, and hiked her dress up as she stomped through the puddles. Owen watched very intently as Madeline tried to explain how to pump your legs so you can swing like a big girl. This is a skill she aquired very recently, but she talks like she is an old pro. My good friend Ashley came over for a dinner of mac and cheese and hot dogs, and then we went to our favourite cupcake place for dessert. It was such a slow peaceful day.

Sunday we had a picnic in the backyard and played silly games that Madeline made up. Madeline decided she was old enough to hold Owen in her lap without any help. She did a great job, and he cooperated nicely. I think that might have been her happiest moment all weekend. She is such an amazing big sister and has so much love for Owen. And he adores her.

I was so nervous going into the weekend that it was going to be hectic and crazy, but it was just the opposite. It was so nice to just enjoy each other and just play. I wish Andy had been there to enjoy it also, but the good thing about weekends is they're only 5 days apart.




Ellen Enright said...

amazing pictures!!!!

Julia said...

I LOVE that you are blogging so frequently! PLEASE please keep it up. It really does make my day!!
Also, I love the pics! I like that they're big and kinda artsy and you have the best subjects ever! The ones of M in her dress and boots standing in the puddles are my absolute favorites! I LOVE THEM!
I also love that you're writing more. So enjoyable to hear your thoughts, and hear about y'alls lives, even the simple day to day stuff! I wish we lived closer to each other, but I have to say...this blogging does help the distance seem shorter! :) Love you Ewee!

Liz said...

I will try to keep it up. I'll be honest that my goal is 2-3 per week. I just had a lot to catch up on. Thanks for the compliments on the pictures. It's fun to try new things with the camera. And Jules you're right, M and Owen are really great subjects. Even the out of focus bad compisition pictures of them are great. Watching Madeline play in the puddles was so cute. She had such a unique mix of reckless abandon as she stomped through them, but also complete caution as she held up her dress and inspected her boots to make sure they weren't too dirty. I love you both too!

Linda said...

I loved this post. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. But I'm really looking forward to y'all coming Memorial Day weekend!

These pictures are so fun - they make me very happy!

(the word verification for me to post this is 'nonali'. Should we start calling Baw this name?)