Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rice Cereal

PhotobucketI am in total shock that Owen is old enough to start on solid foods. I know this is so cliche, but it really seems like yesterday I was packing his bags for the hospital. But it's time for cereal. He tried his first bites this weekend, and was very typical baby. He was insanely interested in the spoon, and seemed really into the concept of eating. I think of the small tiny bowl of cereal we tried to feed him, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of a baby spoonful made it into his tummy. The rest we wiped off of every inch of his body.
We tried again a few days later and had a little better luck. This time I mixed in just a little bit of applesauce, because let's be honest, that rice cereal does not taste good at all. I figured maybe he just had a very mature palette and was too sophisticated for rice cereal. OK, not really, I just thought the applesauce would taste better. And it worked, for like 3 bites. Then he just spit the rest out. I let Madeline try and feed him a few bites. She was lecturing him on the importance of eating and getting good nutrition so he can be as tall as her one day. That didn't really work either. He was very cute as he spit out his food, and seemed like he had fun. Maybe next week he'll get the hang of it a little better. Photobucket
I am pretty sure we will look back on this day in 13 years and laugh at the little boy who didn't really eat his food. From my understanding of boys, this will be the only time he doesn't eat.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I have some very similar pictures of you and Julia with rice cereal everywhere! Great pictures. Madeline's expression when trying to feed Owen is priceless!