Monday, June 14, 2010


You know that wonderful feeling you get when you reach your cold hand into a old jacket on the first cold day of winter and find a $20 bill. That $20 is like the best $20 ever. It is the best way to start a day.
I hardly ever use our point and shoot camera, but I usually keep it with me for those random moments I don't have our nice camera around. Tonight, I reached for it and realized the memory card was full. I was amazed because I hardly ever use it. When I uploaded the pictures I realized I had pictures on there since Halloween! It was kind of fun to find all these pictures. These random snapshots of our lives the past 7 months.
So much has changed. Madeline's hair is so much longer. Her face looks so much more mature. Mine looks so much less puffy (I hope). Owen is alive, and has grown so much.
These are by no means all of the memories from the past few months, but some of the random moments that I'm so glad to relive.

There were laughs at home, rode trips, fun with dogs, and holiday parties.

There was fun with boxes.

There was snow in Katy!

There were Christmas wishes, and Christmas gifts.

There was fun with family.

There was swimming and love.

There were walks to the turtles.

And there were naps for all.

These pictures are certaintly not the best photos we have, and not at all a culmination of our last 7 months, but tonight they were as sweet as those hidden dollar bills just waiting to be found.


Linda said...

I LOVE this post and these pictures. Y'all really had a LOT of snow! And you are right, Madeline's physical appearance has really matured in the past few months. What a nice surprise to find that camera!

Linda said...

I also love the picture of Papa George and Owen sleeping...AND... the picture of Owen next to that doll who is almost his size.