Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yay for the Enrights!!!!

My dear cousin Ellen after months of waiting finally got the phone call she has been waiting for. A little girl in Ethiopia has been matched up with the Enright family. In just a few short months Ellen and Braegan will become a family of 5 and a little girl will be theirs forever. That little girl has no idea how lucky she is. Just look at this family.


They have such a capacity for love. It is inspiring.




I tried to explain adoption to Madeline tonight. It went something like this:

Me: There are lots of ways to make a family. Mommy and Daddy can love each other so much a baby grows in Mommy's belly like what happened with you and Owen. But sometimes, some mommies cannot take care of their babies so some really nice and very wonderful people adopt them and make them part of their family.

Madeline: That is so nice mommy. Why can't their mommy whose tummy they grew in take care of them?

Me: Yes, Madeline, adopting is really nice. But sometimes the mommy who's tummy they grew in doesn't have the resources like money or food to take care of their baby. (at this point I really didn't want to get into the idea of maternal death so i skipped that part).

Madeline: But you won't let someone else adopt Owen right?

Me: No, Madeline, you and Owen are ours and my heart would break into a million pieces without you. You and Owen will always be ours.

Madeline: Good mommy, I think Nelson would miss Owen (I guess she felt really secure in her place in our family and I'm pretty sure Nelson would not miss Owen). Mommy, I have a good idea, why don't you grow a baby in your belly and then let someone adopt it. That would be so nice.

Me: Maybe, probably not.

Ok, so I don't think she totally understood that, but at least we tried.

I cannot wait to meet the luckiest little girl in Ethiopia. Ellen, you and Breagan are such amazingly wonderful people. We are all lucky to have you in our life.


Linda said...

Very sweet - and so true. Yes, I have tears in my eyes after reading this wonderful post.

Ellen Enright said...

ha ha!!! I love the end. Madeline is too cute.

Thanks Liz! I love the post. Big smile on my face.

insomnia said...

so cute!!!